Monday, February 15, 2010

Another Suitcase or Five

We are off again to Mexico and once again we will be taking some "needed" things with us. I am always amazed how much we take with us. But to be honest with you out of the five bags that will make the journey with us this weekend I think I might have 1/2 a suitcase with things for us or the house. I always find things that I have to take to the local village. Clothes for the children, clothes and shoes for the adults, blankets, treats for the little ones. So much of the joy we get in Mexico is from our community and through our relationships we see their needs. There are some things we can not give them, but some basic things like shoes we can do. I also found a beautiful quilt for Tere and her new husband Martin. I think they are going to be thrilled to have it on their bed in their new home. Someday we will travel with just a carry on to Mexico, but I can not imagine that will happen soon. Still to much that we "need", so till then we will continue to move to Mexico "One Suitcase at a Time".

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