Thursday, January 13, 2011


We knew there would come a point that all the day dreaming, all the wishing, all the planning that Paul and I had done over the last five years would happen. We often wondered how we would feel. The old saying "be careful what you wish for". I think we both knew then as we know now that change is hard for everyone. And although this is what we wanted it was still going to be hard.
Saying our good-byes where the hardest. Something we have never been good at. All those years in the military you learn not to say good-bye, but "see you down the road". You always knew you would run into those folks again in life. But this was different. Our lives were taking a hard right turn and there was a pretty good chance that many of these folks we will never see again. But forward we went.
That brings us here, today. Two people in love that have started the next journey in a small fishing village in Mexico. I know we have plenty of folks calling us "crazy", and we accept that. Maybe in many ways we are.
We are making a choice few would ever make. We are stepping way outside the comfort zone of our peers. I am happy to say that our kids do not think we are "nuts" and that helps.
So we call Platanitos home for now. We wake up to the ocean waves hitting the shore below us. We drink coffee while watching pelicans make their way to someplace. We eat breakfast together on our casita patio and plan our day. We read and take a siesta. We walk down to the beach with our dogs and play Frisbee. I cook and Paul listens to music. And when our day is done we turn out the lights and listen to the waves all over again.
So far it is a good life, very peaceful, very much what we had hoped. So the "be careful what you wish for" did come true and we plan to live it to the fullest. We are Home.


SarahinOK said...

So beautiful. And for the record, we don't think you're crazy. We'll probably do the same thing someday, except it'll likely be on the side of a mountain in India. ;)
Love you guys. All the best to you. We're still praying for health, rest, and protection for both of you! And that this next chapter of life will be rich and full of relationships and joy.

Anonymous said...

First you do, then you get!