Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Hacienda

The "Long road to San Marcos" took us and the four Brits to some crazy places. I will have to say I had just about given up on the whole outing and was starting to think if we turned around and headed toward Tequilla that we might be able to salvage the day. I mean let's face it, if you are having a bad day in Mexico all you need is a shot of tequilla and a good taco to bring the day back around. But there is also a saying in Mexico, it says "God send you to Mexico to learn patience". And on this day and this trip it was right on the money.
We turned down this little dirt road, one of a million little dirt roads in Mexico and headed east. Now I know we were headed east because I was still trying to figure out how I could get Paul and the four Brits to head towad Tequilla. About 5 miles down the road we came to the gates of the Hacienda El Carmen. Of course the gates were locked and I am thinking "this is it, I am going to find the fellow that wrote the article "The Long Road to San Marcos" and club him over the head. But our driver and good friend Richard leaps out of the car and starts yelling. I am thinking "right" that's going to help. When a very well dressed maid came running out to let us in. I swear to you I think I heard trumpets when she opened the gate, or maybe that was Paul? We were in and holy mother of God we had hit the mother load.

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