Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Long Road Home

On this most recent trip to Casa Lagarto we had decided we would drive our Suburban back to the States. It has been there for two years and it was time for the old girl to comee home. God knows she has served us well in Mexico. She has also had her share of crazy moments (one will not forget Marcos Gate). She has taken us on beach trips, airport and Costco runs. She has been a good car and we are thankful. But it was time for many reasons.
We spent a beautiful week with some friends at the villa, and got a lot done that we had been wanting to do. We even got to spend some time with our dear son Jacob. Always a good time with our son.
On Saturday we packed up the old gal and hit the road for Arizona. I had never driven to the states before and I will admit that I was concerned. Oh not like you think! I was not concerned about drug lords, or kidnappings, or crazy mexicans for goodness sake. I was worried about sitting in the suburb for two days. Paul and I alone in a car for two days. What would we do? what would we talk about? where would we eat? In the last several years we have flown everywhere, spending very little time driving. We use to drive all the time when our kids lived at home. Paul was in the Air force and it seemed like we were always going somewhere. I never worried about what we would talk about. We had three kids, who had time to talk to each other! When the kids left we started flying everywhere we went. No time for road travel anymore. Flights are always easy. I read and Paul works. So there we were about to embark on a two day road trip...what now?

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